Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?
 The factors that Steve Jobs has contributed to be a technopreneur help him to be successful in his life. He never quit because for him to quit is not a word for him. The success that he had now, his Apple Company is his biggest price for his life. These factors of being smart, the passion and the will power helps him to think new ideas and create new things for he is great man and truly the man who believes in himself that great things will be done when you believe in yourself.
                Although Steve Jobs has the factors that contributed of his success as a technopreneur, he also has the factors that contributed to his failure as a technopreneur. One of these factors is of his attitude. The attitude of being so professional, he never thinks the emotions around him. His attitude of having too much of perfectionist led him be failed because he never consider how his employers felt the way he treated. Steve is very strict with his works that he got angry when the works of his employee is not good. The boss must not too strict with his employee instead treat them nicely so that they can work with you with all their loyalty in your company.  Another factor for his failure is being high-tempered because once his employee do not pass with his standard, he never consider reasons sometimes he fired that person with simple failure with his employee. Another factor is his focus on such things. When he created the Macintosh, Jobs forget his old creation which is the Apple II and he gives more importance with the Macintosh. He is very confident and he believes too much with his self that no one can defeat him. With this he made the reason to fight the two creations and it opens the gate for Bill Gates and friends to steal one of his creations which is the Macintosh.
                Steve Jobs is not perfect but because of his determination on dealing with his ideas and creation he becomes successful but sometimes because of his attitude of being perfectionist he never looks on emotions on dealing with his employee. Steve Jobs as technopreneur, he is a great man because he knows how to deal business. 
How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?
How do I see myself as technoprenuer? I may not say that I cannot be technoprenuer, but each has the opportunity to be a technoprenuer but it is up to you if you wanted to. I can say that I could see myself as technopreneur by thinking new ideas and creates new technology and be in business. I know that being in business is not easy like that. It is also a difficult line of work, example is with Steve Jobs, he cannot be able have his success without the obstacles he has encounter in business. In business you consider many things, you adjust, you think and you must have the unique capabilities in order to succeed. In my school days and summer days, I am in business, selling loads at boarding house and also in my own place. It is hard to face people and tell they but I write into the paper and I post in front of my house, please them to buy this and those but because of this I learned to front with people and also give me confidence, dealing with them, also talked to them without knowing them. In business, you will learn a lot of things, experience a lot of things, having friends and able to communicate ideas with other ideas. I see myself as technopreneur when I am ready, when I have all the ideas, the factors that being a technopreneur must have.
Business is like earning money. I have to say that owning a business is an honor and to be proud of. Today, if you do not have a bigger capital, you cannot have or build your business. It is like if you do not have the materials you cannot do the project. Business helps you to live in your life because it is the fruit why you are here. Having your own business is not easy when you are in a big business but if you are in a small business you can easily start with your little business. Little business starts with small capital that is why you can easily create one. Of course, when you want to have a bigger one or a big business you need to have a big capital. In owning a business, you can decide what you want to improve with your business. Also, in owning a business you can do what you want or you can choose what must be done to your business.

Would you take the same career path that Steve Jobs took?  Why or why not?
If you would ask me if I would take the same career path that Steve Jobs took, I will say no. Maybe yes if I have the chance or I have the factors that Steve Jobs had. Why I say no, because Steve Jobs become successful of his attitude of being perfectionist and I am different from him, I do not look myself so perfect but I do wanted to achieve my goals in life. Likewise, I want to be successful but in my own path, the path where I am comfortable with. Steve Jobs is greatly a pioneer of his ideas and innovations. I do adore him in his career, in his passion, and also his dedication in his works and everything that he have to pursue all the things that he had made and the influences he have shared to others. Though because of his being successful in life, the career path he had chosen, I will not take the same career with him because I am not him and Steve Jobs is unique and I am too. He has these distinctive capabilities that are actually rarely from now. Somehow people become successful because of their own path they had chosen and the attitude of being enthusiastic, determine on a certain goal and has  great mind, with this attitude maybe someday I can be Steve Jobs, very successful someday in my own path.


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